Age calculator by date of birth

To calculate age, just enter your date of birth and click on the calculate button. You will know your age in years, months and days in just a few seconds.

What is my age


Age Calculator



Age in years, months and days:

Today’s Date:

How to calculate your age?

To calculate your age based on your date of birth, follow these steps:

  • Current year: For example, if it's 2024, then the current year is 2024.
  • Current month: Select the current month, assume it is August.
  • Current date: Choose the current date, Assume it is August, 30.
  • Subtract: Subtract your date of birth from the current date.

If you were born on July 20, 1970, the calculation will be as follows - (2024/08/30 - 1970/07/20) = 54/01/10. So, if you were born on July 20, 1970, your age will be 54 years 1 month and 10 days.

Note: On subtracting birth month from current month, if result is negative then subtract 1 from years and add 12 to months. Similarly, if the result of days is negative, subtract 1 from months and add the number of days of the previous month to the days.

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