To know how old are you, simply enter your date of birth, select your birth year, and click on the calculate button. Select month for age details in years, months, and days.

What is my age if I was born August 2000?
If Date of Birth | Year | Month | Day |
How to Calculate Your Age Accurately?
To calculate your exact age, just subtract your date of birth from the current date, for example, if your date of birth is 04/04/2000, then write it in the form 2000/04/04. Now, subtract it from the current date.
Example: 2024/09/15 (current date) – 2000/04/04 (birth date) = 24/05/11 (age)
Thus, you are 24 years, 4 months and 4 days.
Remember: On subtracting birth month from current month, if result is negative then subtract 1 from years and add 12 to months. Similarly, if the days result is negative, subtract 1 from the months and add the number of days of the previous month to the days.
However, If you want to use the age calculator, then just enter your date of birth in the input bar and click the calculate. You will know your age in a matter of seconds.
Age Calculator
This is an age calculator designed to calculate age based on your date of birth and a specific reference date, usually the current date. You will find your age in various time units such as years, months, days, etc.
How to Use This Age Calculator?
- Date of Birth: The Date of Birth input field allows you to enter your date of birth. You can use the calendar for ease of use.
- Date: This is the current date, but you can be set it to another date to calculate age at a specific time.
- Outputs: You will get your age in Years, Months, and Days, which is the most common output to show age.
- Age details: The result displays a descriptive message, such as “Your age is 24 years, 7 months, and 3 days”.
Additional Features:
It has a real-time countdown that shows your age in hours, minutes, and seconds. You can see your age in the next month by selecting the month or next button.
- Convenience: Quickly calculates your age without manual calculation, and saves your time.
- Accuracy: You will get the accurate age results within few seconds.
Purpose of Age Calculator
- Personal use: You can use age calculators to find out your exact age or the age of family members.
- Business use: Employers can use it to calculate an employee’s years of service or eligibility for retirement.
- Official use: Many legal scenarios require age verification, such as voting eligibility, entering into a contract, or applying for certain benefits.
Overall, this age calculator is a useful tool for simple age calculation, and you can use it with accuracy and for various purposes.