How many weeks old am I calculator by date of birth

To calculate your age in weeks, just enter your date of birth and click the calculate button. You will know your age in weeks in just a few seconds.

Age calculator image


Age Calculator



Age in years, months and days:

Today’s Date:

How to calculate weeks?

For example, if you were born in 2000, your age in weeks can be calculated by multiplying the number of years by 52 (the approximate number of weeks in a year).

But, the exact number may vary depending on your date of birth. So, you must enter your date of birth for accurate results.


How ​​do I calculate my exact age in weeks?

To calculate your exact age in weeks, multiply your age in years by 52 and add the weeks from your last birthday to today.

Why is the calculation based on 52 weeks per year?

There are 52 weeks in a year (365 days divided by 7). Leap years add one day, which affects the total, but 52 weeks is a close estimate.

How ​​does a leap year affect my age in weeks?

A leap year adds an extra day, so if your life spans several leap years, your age in weeks may be slightly higher than the simple calculation of 52 weeks per year.